Getting Pounded by the Pavement

   I know, I know, the old phrase is "pounding the pavement".  But let me say, here on the Cape, YOU get pounded by the pavement when searching for a job. Finding jobs are easy, there are certainly jobs available on the Cape.  But actually getting one, well, that's a different story.
   I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  That if you put positive energy "out there",  that something is going to happen. That if you remain positive and open to opportunity, it will knock.  And so my first job came easy and simple enough, I walked in, inquired, interviewed and started the next week. (Unfortunately the store closed after 3 months...)   Ok, so a temporary set back, but I was optimistic.  Why shouldn't other jobs be as easy to trip upon? 
   I started out shyly inquiring at cute cafes and local boutiques.  However, after being unemployed now for a month, and finding this selective method not working, my method has changed into a desperate plea for anything. (Did I just use the word desperate??) 
   So now a resume is probably necessary. Ugh. Let's be honest,  I haven't interviewed for a job in over 16 years.  Trying to build a resume and summarize my life in a page seemed daunting, scary, impossible, and a lot of energy.  But in haste to get a recent job my neighbor found online,  I managed to throw a resume together along with a cover page.   
   Did I get the job, you ask? Unfortunately, not.  I was interrogated, criticized and stuck in the chair of torture all to no avail.  It was the worst interview that I ever had, or that I can remember.  At one point during the entire 15 minute process I even said, "This isn't going well, is it?"  I felt like I was on one of those TV shows where the actor will turn and look directly at the camera and show what he's really feeling with "a look".  I wanted to give a "WTF" look many times. Lesson learned that I need to use spell check, bring any bit of past work I can show for myself and be able to work on weekends. Got it.

   I've filled out applications everywhere: UPS warehouse, assisted living wait staff, sexy sandwich maker extraordinaire .... no luck.  I have counted 17 jobs total that I have inquired/applied/interviewed for.  Wow.   Am I that un-hireable?  Maybe.  I mean I have a  college degree, people!   My sisters have tried to help by suggesting options such as opening a brothel or selling marijuana?  Great ideas, sisters, but I'm a little too "prude" for either of those job titles. I'd like my job to be a little more safe than those options.  Even though posing nude for art students or walking dogs isn't sounding so bad these days, I still feel like there's something else out there for me.

** To be HELPFUL, there are good apps and websites for finding jobs if you are looking: INDEED, Cape Cod Get Hired, and Craigslist (of course) are just a few.

***AND I am happy to report, 21 job attempts later, I have become employed. Miracles do happen!



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